Tiny Tempest is cute. . .

. . . she is tiny,

. . .and she is funny!

Dancing Deer is so beautiful. She is sitting here patiently,
waiting to see where her new home will be.

Aaw, isn't he cute! Bouncing Bear is waiting for his new name.
He is going to go live in Phoenix.

Big Brave's new name is "Rocky". It fits him well.
He gets to go live in Sunny California

Snow Shoes is still going to Sedona, even though lots of other people
wanted to take him home with them. You are one handsome fella Snow Shoes!
It must be your four cute little white feet.
Misty Moonlight heard about maybe seeing Santa and his Reindeer.
She is looking to see if they are up there somewhere.
She is so excited to go to her new home,
that she can't wait for Christmas Eve!